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lunedì 25 agosto 2008

Modern Customs

One sometimes hears of some customs, like the behaviour of the people when they haven't any bond. And of the couple. Today it's easy, on our advanced society, that we can live like as a certain sexual ease, that we can say, though distinguishing ossessions and oppressions of the Church or of the same society.
We unfortunately live under certain permissivism of the custom. Today there are less archaic and religious prejudices, but we can justify it with: "So we are modern so it's permitted!...". But is people more protected by modern times? Is the new behaviour "code" observed and have we build the new one?
We're degenerating. As quality life and towards the Youngs... with facts and with our example. Yes, 'cause as this step, we could justify some falsities and we make them legal!

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